立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2024年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

都市化に伴う空地デザインの提案~大阪市北区中崎町を対象として~ Proposal:Design of Open Spaces in Urbanization-A Model Designed for Nakazaki-cho, Kita word, Osaka-

冨村郁斗 Ikuto TOMIMURA

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Our country is currently faced with a declining population, whereas real estate developers still promote urbanization in big cities, thus excessively increasing the density of cities and the number of high-rise buildings. However, excessive development has decreased the uniqueness and charm cities originally had, and the scales of time and space have changed at the same time; therefore the interaction of people has become less active. In this graduation project, I criticize urban development in the modern Japanese society. I analyzed Nakazaki-cho, in terms of the uniqueness and charm which have been fading away, and I designed a new facility for the vacant place to retrieve and augment the uniqueness and charm. As a result, it is expected that the facility will revitalize the local community and expand the city’s potential. I believe that this approach is effective to save the cities in Japan, which would otherwise be developed and homogenized more in the near future.