立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2024年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

絡み合うS字 Intertwined S

谷口祐啓 TANIGUCHI Masayoshi


  • JP
  • EN


We plan a research facility as a place for new activities of SONY Corporation, which is about to step into the future. We are in an era in which various things are changing due to daily technological advances. And in watching sports, the invention of the highly convenient TV has made it possible to watch "digital" games as opposed to "physical" watching games going to the stadium. On the other hand, people of this era found value in "sharing excitement with skin sensation" seen at the scrambled intersection in Shibuya and Dotonbori, Osaka, and such a place is required. Therefore, as a planned site, Sendagaya, a town with a stadium axis that is repeatedly expanded and rebuilt with the times, We propose a facility to display the history and tradition of SONY Corporation, along with research and development of "virtual" watching games that hybridize "digital" and "physical".