審査委員特別賞the Special Jury Award
覧古考新「知層」―過去から未来の生きた地層景観を展示するMUSEUM― Developing new ideas based on study of the past: A museum displaying living landscapes from the past to the future
古荘衣理 FURUSHO Eri
- JP
- EN
We have learned the history to understand the current situation and to create the future.
Our “ordinary life” depends on the history that our ancestors struggled and gained.
Studying the process of their legacies helps us to understand and solve social problems.
However, because of urban developments, many historic sites and original geographical features are destroyed, and the opportunities to perceive local histories are decreasing.
Some historic spots are “stuffed” and became “untouched places”, or lose their original forms by development without recognition of their historical value.
The concept of my plan is to maintain them in “utilized places”: I value connection of historic sites with local people and town plannings.
To express the series of local history, I designed my museum in the series of flow lines and the laminate and penetrate structure.
Please, see the potential in my museum that we can create our future from learning our history.