立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

原発解体新町-原発立地地域における廃炉後の歴史の継承と廃炉後の生業の暮らしの提案- Nuclear Power Plant Demolition Shinmachi - Succession of Post-Decommissioning History in Nuclear Power Plant Location Area and Proposal of Livelihood Life after Decommissioning -

佐藤俊 Shun Sato

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The demolition of nuclear power plant facilities associated with decommissioning generates a large amount of waste such as structures and equipment at nuclear power plants. Therefore, we will create new industries that make use of the fishing industry of Oshima by utilizing the structures, equipment, and systems of nuclear power plants that will be decommissioned. Former nuclear power plant workers will be involved in the succession of nuclear power plant technology and will support new industries, so they can continue to live in the region. In addition, we will rebuild the lives of fishing village villages with the sea and communities among local residents, and revitalize them into villages where they can live sustainably. Under this plan, the technology and history of nuclear power plants will be inherited by the use of nuclear power plants in towns even after the decommissioning of nuclear power plants.