立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2024年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

半農半漁の島 -干拓の過渡期、内湖の帰期- Island of Half-Farming and Half Fishing

栗栖捷太 Shota Kurisu


  • JP
  • EN


Is the nature around us really natural? In Japan, modernization has progressed since the Meiji era, and development using technology transmitted from overseas has been carried out in various places. The same can be said for rural landscapes. Although the environment has been modified by humans as well as the rural landscape that seems to deal with nature, agriculture has developed more mechanically since modernization. One of the developments is reclamation. In Shiga, reclamation created a flat and vast landscape that exposed the original lake bottom, but people were distracted by its spectacular nature and the agricultural products obtained there, and how violent the reclamation was. I can't be aware of the lakes and seas there and the activities related to them. It is necessary to look at the impact of the destruction brought about by the development and modernization of science and technology. Therefore, we regard the reclaimed land as a nature with a modern European agricultural landscape, and by turning it up and returning it to the inner lake, we create a space where we can experience the changes brought about by the reclaimed reverse. ..