立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2024年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

幾重の創造体験 Multiple Layers of Creative Experience

比果未穂子 HIKA Mihoko


  • JP
  • EN



Our society is flooded with information created by digital technology. Of the five senses that humans perceive various things with, it has become easy to receive a lot of information using only hearing and sight. However, as a real experiment, the capacity of information we are able to receive will be reduced dramatically by digitizing the “analog” information. The atmosphere created by humans and human expression, including subtle nuance, has been lost because of it. The richness of the human mind is being lost as we spend days just receiving cut-off information. Movie Studio Here, digital technology and analog action coexist. In an age when we can receive most of our information through our eyes and ears, we use our senses to gather a variety of expressions. Through this experience, we will search for and create a rich and delicate mind that has been lost in the digitalizing society. To get by creating something with my own hands, I propose discoveries and impressions, an experience just like a movie.