立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

水恵の可視化~軸の交差が生み出す人と自然の再考~ Visualization of water benefits ~Rethinking People and Nature Created by the Intersection of Axes~

増田修士 Masuda Shuji


  • JP
  • EN


Human life has been closely connected with nature in many aspects and has benefited tremendously from it. Although opportunities for direct contact with nature in our daily lives are decreasing even today, we have all at one time or another experienced the curiosity and relaxation that comes from the stimulation of the five senses when interacting with nature. In Shiga Prefecture, Lake Biwa was once closely linked to human life, and people lived their lives while benefiting from the lake in every aspect of their lives. From water sources, fishing grounds, objects of prayer, objects of literature and art, and the formation of a unique culinary culture, the abundant nature centering on Lake Biwa has influenced people in various ways, from daily life to the formation of culture and its presence as a symbol. However, today, due to the sufficient development of infrastructure necessary for daily life and changes in lifestyles, we can obtain water resources and foodstuffs necessary for daily life without relying on the nature that is close at hand. Therefore, our lifestyles have changed to a point where we are less aware of the benefits of the abundant nature that is close at hand. Therefore, we provide opportunities for people to engage with Lake Biwa and visualize the benefits that people receive from Lake Biwa through architectural spatial manipulation to provide a place where people can experience nature.