立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

漂流漂着地 Where the remnants are

千本瑞穂 Mizuho CHIMOTO


  • JP
  • EN


The global economy has advanced by mass consumption of goods that are massively manufactured since the Industrial Revolution. Shigaraki, a production district of Shigaraki pottery, has provided support for the development of the town with mass production of pottery wares as well. However, in the background to this economic progress, the existence of remnants in the remote places from the town could get hard to be visible and forgotten by people there. Those of the remnants, clay quarries, mud huts, and a certain amount of clay scraps, have been abandoned with the town’s growth. Enabling the remnants to have the meaning of their existence, people should consider to get involved with them and live in Shigaraki with rich nature surrounded by beautiful mountains. Clay, an indispensable resource for pottery, has been sacrificed for the development of Shigaraki, and the resource may be running out someday, but Shigaraki can be a sustainable place coexisting with those once abandoned remnants for the future generations.