立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2024年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

都市型酪農の再興 Revival of Urban Diary Farming

坂井碩紀 Sakai Hiroki


  • JP
  • EN


I propose a space where the importance of dairy farming can be reaffirmed to the modern urban society that has been blind to the production and consumption of cows. The project site, Port of Kobe, is to be reinterpreted as a place that connects the land and the sea to the cowshed and slaughterhouse in the urban area, and reconstructed as a place that creates a connection between dairy farming and food in the modern age. The formation of dairy facilities in urban areas will allow people to see dairy production and consumption simultaneously in their daily lives and deepen their interest in and understanding of dairy farming. Dairy farming will become an integral part of the city, changing from an industry that is solely the responsibility of the dairy farmer to an industry that is the responsibility of the entire city.  I propose a facility that surfaces and perceives the connection of dairy production, which exists secretly in urban areas, by using the port as a node connecting the dairy production line, which used to only pass over the city during production due to the distance between the cowshed and the slaughterhouse, with the cowshed on the mountain side and the slaughterhouse on the sea side, which seem close but distant from each other.