立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

藍を愛し ークラフティングアーバニズムの提唱、及びそのケーススタディー Love indigo: Proposal of crafting urbanism and its case study

辛島壮昭 Karashima Takeaki


  • JP
  • EN


The dyed textile ``Kurume Kasuri'', a traditional craft from southern Fukuoka Prefecture, is facing issues such as a decline in production, an aging workforce, and a lack of successors. Therefore, we are planning a program with a gallery attached to a workshop where you can step through the 30 production processes that are characteristic of Kurume Kasuri and learn about the charm of Kurume Kasuri. A workshop-type free school that uses interviews to discover the functions of "interaction" and "inquiry" in addition to the manufacturing function in a workshop that is based on the manufacturing function, and utilizes these functions to solve regional issues and the lack of successors to the workshop. propose. In addition, from a site survey, we focused on flood-proof construction due to the relationship between the richness of indigo and flood damage. We extracted and translated the three stages of fail-safe against flood damage in flood-proof buildings: ``stone walls,'' ``stilts,'' and ``ships,'' and expressed them as nested structures.