立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

表出集住 Expressed memory

出原若奈 Idehara Wakana


  • JP
  • EN


In the 1950s, the area, which had been lined with densely packed delinquent housing, was gradually transformed into a municipal housing complex in order to improve the environment. Currently, redevelopment projects are underway in various locations due to aging buildings and aging residents. This gradually causes the memory of the land to disappear and the city to become homogenized. Therefore, we proposed a multi-dimensional housing complex that would create a space where a variety of people could live together in a space that was "protruding" in the modern high-rise society by creating a three-dimensional space that was "protruding" in the road space of what was once a densely packed housing complex.