立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

漂揺する嚮後 -水没予定地における生業システムの提案- Versatility Future -Proposal of a livelihood system in areas scheduled for submergence-

鈴木雄太 Yuta SUZUKI


  • JP
  • EN


The purpose of this plan is to propose an architectural and community development system that will allow the residents to continue their lives and livelihoods at the site where the construction of the dam is in progress, regardless of whether "the construction of the dam stops as it is" or "the dam is completed and sinks to the bottom of the water" in the future, as some residents are against the construction of the dam. The purpose of this project is to propose a system of architecture and town planning that will allow the residents to continue their lives and livelihoods.