立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

きりとる住・ひろがる輪 ー公と私が入り混じる集住体ー Cutting out a dwelling, widening the circe -A community where public and private intermingle



  • JP
  • EN


There are many people who have lived alone in an environment that no one knows. When you get used to that environment, you feel that your daily life is enriched, but if you can't make friends and can't fit in, you will feel tired of your daily life. In recent years, the proportion of one-person households has increased due to the shift in the work environment due to economic conditions and the trend toward late marriage, and it continues to increase. Many people in single-person households are not locals or only go back and forth between work and home, so it is difficult to find time, and as a result, they find themselves in a situation where they cannot rely on anyone, and the number of people who are in a position of social isolation increases. Rather than creating a home with the minimum number of boxes and expanding the community as a new third place, we propose a way of living and involvement in which private and public spaces are mixed and a small community expands.