立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

自然を擁り、人を擁き、史を擁する Preverving nature,

小畑智皓 Tomohiro KOBATA


  • JP
  • EN


In this design, by integrating the general solution of civil engineering, which typically requires effort on a daily basis, with the local solution of a disaster prevention tower that serves as a city icon and functions as a community hub, where the city's retaining walls continuously rise, we propose a new symbiotic approach that allows civil engineering structures, as arteries enriching the city, to coexist with people and the earth, spreading from the region's retaining walls to the urban landscape.