立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

自分の好きを人々の娯楽に~エンターテイナーが溢れる商業空間の提案~ Turn your hobbies into other people's entertainment ~Proposal for a commercial space fills with entertainers~

北村幸輝 Kitamura Koki


  • JP
  • EN


In recent years, amid the development of SNS, the number of people driven by the desire for approval is increasing. However, the reaction that can be seen in real life is still more pleasant than the reaction caused by the time difference. Therefore, the number of people performing street concerts, which are considered to be annoying, will not decrease. This time, we will take advantage of the nuisance caused by street performances and propose a commercial space in Osaka's American village where young people overflowing with frontier spirit can make their lives.