立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2023年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

歌舞く杢壁 - 山を守る前衛的舞台装置 – Captivating Wood Grain Walls - Avant-Garde Stage Apparatus Preserving the Mountains -

今中優佑 Yusuke IMANAKA


  • JP
  • EN


To ensure the preservation and transmission of the life, culture, and historical legacy of Kashimo to succeeding generations amidst the challenges posed by a declining birthrate and an aging population, we propose the establishment of a village development center. This center will serve as a focal point for integrating three key local resources into the fabric of daily life, fostering contemplation on Kashimo's future trajectory, and reaffirming its unique identity. By leveraging a combination of architectural features such as a curved wall and a ji-kabuki stage configuration, which facilitates the enactment of traditional ji-kabuki performances, we aim to intricately weave the villagers' daily experiences with the rich tapestry of regional resources. This strategic approach seeks to not only sustain Kashimo's cultural heritage but also ensure its enduring legacy for future generations.