流動都市~万博資材を活用した仮設都市の計画~ Fluid City-Planning a temporary city using Expo materials-
山本愛子 Aiko YAMAMOTO
- JP
- EN
The development of information and communication technology has made it possible to work without limiting the place of work, creating a lifestyle of moving from one place of residence to another, known as address hoppers. The number of address hoppers is increasing every year. Nevertheless, the nature of this fluid lifestyle has limited the provision of architectural services. The site of Yumeshima, where the 2025 Osaka World Expo will be held, is a large site, and we are considering how to use the land after the temporary pavilion is removed and how to utilize the materials for the large wooden roofing ring. As an approach to both of these issues, I present a proposal to form a temporary city with an address hopper community only during the period of dismantling the wooden roof ring.