審査委員特別賞the Special Jury Award
幼き種、知恵の樹 ―創造力を呼び覚ます6つの建築的仕掛け― The Young Seed, Tree of Wisdom: Six Architectural Mechanisms to Awaken Creativity
二杉莉央 Rio Nisugi
- JP
- EN
Nowadays there are limited opportunities to stimulate creativity. This architecture design focuses on the free-spirited imagination and intuitive thought processes of children.
A Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget’s study analyzes the drawings and behaviors of children aged 3 to 6, extracts key elements that foster shifts in perspective, sensory reawakening, and behavioral transformations. Based on these insights, six architectural interventions are integrated into the urban spaces to create environments where adults unconsciously engage in creative stimulation.
This project enhances the creativity of office workers and reevaluates the fundamental value of urban spaces.