立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2024年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

奨励賞the Encouragement Prize

本の森の分水界 ー大切な一つの物語に逢う旅ー Watershed moments in the Library Forest -A journey to meet your most precious story-

國弘朝葉 Tomoha Kunihiro

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This is a program for you to meet your most precious story, and to wish for a society where people recognize and respect each other. The “sea” of information continues to expand. Your most precious story is hidden in a flood of information and heartless words. However, originally, the “sea” must have been a beautiful place, where people could see the world they’d never seen and would recognize each other with heartful respects… To me, water represents some aspects of ideal society as I imagine, since it eventually reaches the sea even after it is divided into different streams at many “watersheds” and follows different water. There are some "watershed" moments in our lives. Then you must make your choices. I hope it is also the way of our society that we recognize each other with full respect, no matter what streams of story you have followed. The two shape of “watershed” – that of water, and that of our lives - are superimposed and projected as the structure of a library that I propose in the forest. Why don’t you go on a journey to meet your most precious story?