立命館大学理工学部建築都市デザイン学科2024年度 卒業設計展 On-Line Ritsumeikan University Department of Architecture & Urban Design Thesis Design On-Line Exhibition

Re: 商店街~地域資源の継承と創出~ Re: Shopping street~Inheritance and creation of local resources~

西井智哉 Tomoya NISHII

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Reuse of shopping streets that utilize local resources The target site, Ginza Shopping Street in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture, is located about 1km south of Hikone Castle. Since ancient times, it has been a busy commercial area as the central city of Hikone. In recent years, the number of vacant stores and houses has increased, and further decline is expected in the future due to a shortage of successors and opening of stores in the suburbs. On the other hand, local resources such as the historical nature of Hikone Castle as a castle town, the outer moat of Hikone Castle, and the Yamanoyu (public bath) with a history of 140 years are buried in the town. Therefore, I will analyze the current situation based on the survey of Hikone City and interviews with local residents, and reorganize the space by renovation and reduction utilizing the vacant space. Furthermore, I will promote the circulation of bearers inside and outside the region and create new activities. Based on the above, we propose the utilization of shopping districts that utilize local resources.